Cinema 1 (2010)


Editorial [Eng.], 1-6   PDF
Editorial [Port.], 7-13   PDF
    Patrícia Silveirinha Castello Branco
    Sérgio Dias Branco
    Susana Viegas



A Care for the Claims of Theory, 14-68   PDF
    D. N. Rodowick

Carroll on the Moving Image, 69-80   PDF
    Thomas E. Wartenberg

Deleuze: The Thinking of the Brain, 81-94   PDF
    Raymond Bellour

Mucous, Monsters and Angels: Irigaray and Zulawski’s Possession, 95-110   PDF
    Patricia MacCormack

Film Theory Meets Analytic Philosophy: Or, Film Studies and L’Affaire Sokal, 111-117   PDF
    Murray Smith



Georges Didi-Huberman: «.... Ce qui rend le temps lisible, c’est l’image», 118-133   PDF
    by Susana Nascimento Duarte
    Maria Irene Aparício



Cognitive Deleuze: Report on the SCSMI Conference (Roanoke, 2-5 June 2010) and the Deleuze Srudies Conference (Amsterdam, 12-14 July 2010), 134-142   PDF
    William Brown