Cinema 10 (2018)


edited by Susana Viegas and James Williams PDF


Abstracts, 1-8   PDF 



Painting at the Beginning of Time: Deleuze on the Image of Time in Francis Bacon and Modern Cinema, 10-26   PDF 
   David Benjamin Johnson (School of the Art Institute of Chicago)

“Each Single Gesture Becomes a Destiny”: Gesturality between Cinema and Painting in Raúl Ruiz’s L’hypothèse du Tableau Volé, 27-42   PDF 

   Greg Hinks (Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge)

Whither the Sign: Mohammed Khadda in Assia Djebar’s La Nouba des Femmes du Mont Chenoua, 43-63   PDF  
    Natasha Marie Llorens (Columbia University)

Manet and Godard: Perception and History in Histoire(s) du Cinéma, 64-96   PDF 
    Pablo Gonzalez Ramalho (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)

A Work of Chaos: Gianluigi Toccafondo’s Animated Paintings, 97-110   PDF 
    Paulo Viveiros (Lusofona University)

Ill Seen, Ill Said: The Deleuzian Stutter Meets the Stroop Effect in Diana Thater’s Colorvision Series (2016), 111-128   PDF 
    Colin Gardner (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Blue Residue: Painterly Melancholia and Chromatic Dingnity in the Films of David Lynch, 129-149   PDF 
    Ed Cameron (University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley)



Interview with Jonathan Beller

The Derivative Image: Historical Implications of the Computational Mode of Production, 151-164   PDF
    by Susana Nascimento Duarte (School of Arts and Design, Caldas da Rainha/IFILNOVA)



Acinemas: Lyotard’s Philosophy of Film, 166-169   PDF 
    Brian Thomas Walker (The State University of New York at Buffalo)

Pedro Costa, 170-173   PDF 
    Susana Viegas (IFILNOVA/Deakin University)

The Philosophical Hitchcock: Vertigo and the Anxieties of Unknowingness, 174-178   PDF 
    Paolo Stellino (IFILNOVA)

Philippe Grandrieux: Sonic Cinema, 179-182   PDF 
    Arzu Karaduman (Georgia State University)

The Cinema of Poetry, 183-188   PDF 
    Maria Irene Aparício (NOVA-FCSH/IFILNOVA)

Animation Cinema Workshop: From Motion to Emotion, 189-192   PDF 
    Catarina Calvinho Gil (NOVA-FCSH)

Art History for Filmmakers: The Art of Visual Storytelling, 193-97   PDF 
    Maria Irene Aparício (NOVA-FCSH/IFILNOVA)



Notes on Creative Practice Research in the Age of Neoliberal Hopelessness,University of Bedfordshire, UK, 10-12 May 2018, 199-218   PDF 

    William Brown (University of Roehampton)