CINEMA 3 (2012)
editado por Patrícia Silveirinha Castello Branco
Editorial: Cinema, the Body and Embodiment, 1-9 PDF
Abstracts, 10-18 PDF
Fleshing Out the Image: Phenomenology, Pedagogy, and Derek Jarman’s Blue, 19-38 PDF
Vivian Sobchack
Seduction Incarnate: Pre-Production Code Hollywood and Possessive Spectatorship, 39-61 PDF
Ana Salzberg
A Phenomenology of Reciprocal Sensation in the Moving Body Experience of Mobile Phone Films, 62-83 PDF
Gavin Wilson
Cinema of the Body: The Politics of Performativity in Lars Von Trier’s Dogville and Yorgos Lanthimo’s Dogtooth, 84-108 PDF
Angelos Koutsourakis
The Body of Il Duce: The Myth of the Political Physicality of Mussolini in Marco Bellocchio’s Vincere, 109-123 PDF
Marco Luceri
Eija-Liisa Ahtila: The Palpable Event, 124-154 PDF
Andrew Conio
Upside-Down Cinema: (Dis)Simulation of the Body in the Film Experience, 155-182 PDF
Adriano D’Aloia
Embodying Movies: Embodied Simulation and Film Studies, 183-210 PDF
Vittorio Gallese and Michele Guerra
Existential Feelings: How Cinema Makes Us Feel Alive, 211-228 PDF
Dina Mendonça
The Body as Interface: Ambivalent Tactility in Expanded Rube Cinema, 229-253 PDF
Seung-hoon Jeong
A propos d’Images (a suivre): Entretien avec Marie-Jose Mondzain, 254-271 PDF
by Vanessa Brito
Conference Round-Up Summer 2012: Powers of the False (Institut Français, London, 18-19 May), SCSMI Conference (Sarah Lawrence College/NYU, New York, 13-16 Jun.), Film-Game-Emotion-Brain (University of Amsterdam, 14-21 Jul.), and Film-Philosophy Conference (Queen Mary – University of London/King’s College London/Kingston University, 12-14 Sept.), 272-283 PDF
William Brown
Círculos e Poéticas em Filmes Literários de Fernando Lopes, 284-300 PDF
Eduardo Paz Barroso