CINEMA 8 (2016)


edited by Michael Wayne and Sérgio Dias Branco   PDF


Editorial: Film Through Marx, Our Contemporary, 1-3   PDF
    Michael Wayne (Brunel University London)
    Sérgio Dias Branco (University of Coimbra/IFILNOVA/CEIS20)

Abstracts, 4-8   PDF 



Cinema Violence and the Ontology of Capitalism, 10-29   PDF 
    Se Young Kim (Vanderbilt University)

From Binary to Rich Dialectics: The Revolt of the Fishermen and Mauser, 30-52   PDF 
    Angelos Koutsourakis (University of Leeds)

From Barton Fink to Hail, Caesar!: Hollywood’s Ghosts of Marxist Past, 53-68   PDF  
    Cam Cobb (University of Windsor)
    Christopher J. Greig (University of Windsor)

Making Films Negatively: Godard’s Political Aesthetics, 69-87   PDF 
    Jeremy Spencer (Camberwell College of Arts - University of Arts London)

The View from Below: Film and Class Representation in Brecht and Loach, 88-107   PDF 
    Keith O’Regan (York University) 

For Marx: The New Left Russian Cinema, 108-130   PDF 
    Marijeta Bozovic (Yale University)


“Another kind of primitive dream”: Interview with Apichatpong Weerasethakul, 132-137   PDF
    by Susana Nascimento Duarte (IFILNOVA) and José Bértolo (CEC - University of Lisbon)


Lukácsian Film Theory and Cinema: A Study of Georg Lukács’ Writings on Film 1913-71, 139-144   PDF 
    Stefanie Baumann (IFILNOVA)

Understanding Sound Tracks Through Film Theory, 145-148   PDF 
    Nick Poulakis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)

Cinema of Simulation: Hypereal Hollywood in the Long 1990s, 149-153   PDF 
    Jorge Martins Rosa (NOVA/CIC.Digital)

Mismatched Women: The Siren’s Song Through the Machine, 154-157   PDF 
    Najmeh Moradiyan Rizi (University of Kansas)

Literatura e Cinema. Vergílio Ferreira e o espaço do indizível, 158-164   PDF 
    Ana Bela Morais (CEC - Universidade de Lisboa)

Cinema El Dorado – Cinema e Modernidade, 165-172   PDF 
    José Bértolo (CEC - Universidade de Lisboa)


Capitulation to Cool?: Thoughts on Conferences 2015-2017, 174-179   PDF 
    William Brown (University of Roehampton)