

Focus and Scope

Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image is a refereed international publication published online by Nova Institute of Philosophy  (Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, New University of Lisbon) and it has emerged in articulation with the research project “Film and Philosophy: Mapping an Encounter” (PTDC/FIL-FIL/098143/2008). The journal publishes original essays and critical articles, reviews, conference reports and interviews, and releases original art work in the field of philosophical inquiry into cinema. The term “cinema” is here taken in its broadest sense as moving image (and image that moves). Historically, cinema studies have centered on film, but with the digitization and proliferation of new means of production and distribution have also studied video, television and new media. This deep engagement with cinematic culture, so understood, can provide tools for a better understanding of contemporary visual culture. Cinema is particularly interested in philosophical approaches to the aesthetics of the moving image as well as in philosophical investigations on particular works and about the contexts in which these works are seen and produced. It accepts submissions in Portuguese, English, French, and Spanish and it offers free access to its content.

Cinema aims at:

• disseminating philosophical investigations into cinema in the broadest sense, that is, including video, television, and new media;

• promoting the link between Portuguese and international scientific communities that develop work simultaneously within the fields of cinema studies and philosophy;

• providing a platform for a fruitful dialogue between various approaches, particular methodologies, topics and interdisciplinary contributions, within the scope of the journal.


Section Policies

Articles are subjected to double-blind review.

Interviews are not usually peer reviewed. Nevertheless, they are reviewed by the editorial board and the section editor, Susana Nascimento Duarte.

Book Reviews are not generally peer reviewed. Be that as it may, they are reviewed by the editorial board and the section editor, Maria Irene Aparício.

Conference Reports are not normally peer reviewed. In spite of that, they are reviewed by the editorial board and the section editor, William Brown.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public promotes a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Rights and Permissions

The articles published here are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Cinema: Journal of Philosophy and the Moving Image allows readers to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles.